Case Study

Natural Fiber Welding Implements Uncountable Platform As They Scale

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Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a sustainable materials company intent on replacing plastics with plant-based alternatives, has selected Uncountable as its R&D data platform.

NFW® develops new manufacturing routes and material chemistry to unlock new levels of performance for natural materials. Their two technology platforms, CLARUS™ and MIRUM® allow brands to create materials from natural fibers without sacrificing performance or sustainability.

Having recently announced several key partnerships, and more growth planned for the coming year, NFW needed a better platform to track experiments/results, manage requests, and analyze information. With the Uncountable platform, NFW is able to connect data across multiple different stages of their development process in one centralized platform.

NFW Chief Technology Officer, Aaron Amstutz

Aaron Amstutz, NFW’s Chief Technology Officer, immediately recognized the value of a fully connected solution. “Uncountable’s ability to effectively manage our data across our many product lines has led to efficiency gains and new ways to understand and visualize our data that will help us scale at the pace the market demands.”

Aaron adds that “the range of features and capabilities to handle nuanced aspects of our development process has allowed the team to hit the ground running with the Uncountable platform. Uncountable has been an amazing partner through the implementation process, building data structures for five discrete development areas.” We are very excited to be partnered with Natural Fiber Welding and support their efforts to lead us to a greener future!

Download the full case study PDF and Watch the video-version of Natural Fiber Welding's case study to learn more!

Check out our video case study to see Natural Fiber Welding's team in action. Click here to watch the video
Feb 2, 2022

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Natural Fiber Welding (NFW), a sustainable materials company intent on replacing plastics with plant-based alternatives, has selected Uncountable as its R&D data platform.

NFW® develops new manufacturing routes and material chemistry to unlock new levels of performance for natural materials. Their two technology platforms, CLARUS™ and MIRUM® allow brands to create materials from natural fibers without sacrificing performance or sustainability.

Having recently announced several key partnerships, and more growth planned for the coming year, NFW needed a better platform to track experiments/results, manage requests, and analyze information. With the Uncountable platform, NFW is able to connect data across multiple different stages of their development process in one centralized platform.

NFW Chief Technology Officer, Aaron Amstutz

Aaron Amstutz, NFW’s Chief Technology Officer, immediately recognized the value of a fully connected solution. “Uncountable’s ability to effectively manage our data across our many product lines has led to efficiency gains and new ways to understand and visualize our data that will help us scale at the pace the market demands.”

Aaron adds that “the range of features and capabilities to handle nuanced aspects of our development process has allowed the team to hit the ground running with the Uncountable platform. Uncountable has been an amazing partner through the implementation process, building data structures for five discrete development areas.” We are very excited to be partnered with Natural Fiber Welding and support their efforts to lead us to a greener future!

Download the full case study PDF and Watch the video-version of Natural Fiber Welding's case study to learn more!

Check out our video case study to see Natural Fiber Welding's team in action. Click here to watch the video

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