Case Study

Uncountable Customer Case Study: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

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About Our Customer: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is a world-renowned institution leading the fight against pediatric diseases for decades. Its scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of medical research to develop new treatments and cures for devastating conditions such as cancer.

The Goal: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Initiatives

One of St. Jude’s recent research initiatives has focused on the ABL kinase, a protein that plays a critical role in several forms of cancer, including chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). By studying the structure and function of this kinase, St. Jude’s researchers hope to identify new targets for drug development and improve the outcomes of cancer patients.

The Challenge: Collaborating on Large Amounts of Complex Data

To support this research, St. Jude’s Kalodimos Lab needed a way for their teams to collaborate effectively and manage large amounts of complex data. 

The Solution: Establishing The Partnership with Uncountable 

That's where Uncountable came in. Uncountable provided St. Jude’s with a cutting-edge platform that made information easily accessible, developed time-saving metrics, and delivered comprehensive data storage capabilities.

Key Features & Benefits: Accelerating and Advancing Research

One of the many key features St. Jude relied on was Uncountable’s well-plating interface, which allowed St. Jude’s scientists to easily design and execute experiments at a large scale. By automating many of the routine tasks involved in laboratory work, such as sample tracking and data analysis, the platform helped researchers save valuable time to truly focus on the most important aspects of their work.

Uncountable’s platform also provided St. Jude’s with a range of other valuable tools and resources, including machine learning algorithms, a feature that helped St. Jude’s scientists identify patterns and trends in the data that would have been difficult to detect manually. This, in turn, allowed researchers to make more informed decisions and accelerate their research.

The Outcome: Building on The Foundation in The Fight Against Cancer

Overall, the partnership between St. Jude’s and Uncountable has been a tremendous success. By leveraging the power of advanced data analytics and collaboration tools, St. Jude’s researchers are making significant progress in the fight against cancer and bringing hope to countless families worldwide. 

Download The Full St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Case Study

Additional insights in the full case study: 
  • More insight into St. Jude’s research initiatives
  • How St. Jude utilizes Uncountable’s well-plating interface
  • What platform features helped save scientists valuable time 
  • How St. Jude translated complex research data into real-world patient treatment
  • A view of Uncountable’s platform and the variety of advanced visualizations 
  • Quotes about Uncountable from St. Jude Researchers and scientists
  • Performance and success metrics before and after implementing Uncountable
  • And much more!
Mar 21, 2023

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min read

About Our Customer: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is a world-renowned institution leading the fight against pediatric diseases for decades. Its scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of medical research to develop new treatments and cures for devastating conditions such as cancer.

The Goal: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Initiatives

One of St. Jude’s recent research initiatives has focused on the ABL kinase, a protein that plays a critical role in several forms of cancer, including chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). By studying the structure and function of this kinase, St. Jude’s researchers hope to identify new targets for drug development and improve the outcomes of cancer patients.

The Challenge: Collaborating on Large Amounts of Complex Data

To support this research, St. Jude’s Kalodimos Lab needed a way for their teams to collaborate effectively and manage large amounts of complex data. 

The Solution: Establishing The Partnership with Uncountable 

That's where Uncountable came in. Uncountable provided St. Jude’s with a cutting-edge platform that made information easily accessible, developed time-saving metrics, and delivered comprehensive data storage capabilities.

Key Features & Benefits: Accelerating and Advancing Research

One of the many key features St. Jude relied on was Uncountable’s well-plating interface, which allowed St. Jude’s scientists to easily design and execute experiments at a large scale. By automating many of the routine tasks involved in laboratory work, such as sample tracking and data analysis, the platform helped researchers save valuable time to truly focus on the most important aspects of their work.

Uncountable’s platform also provided St. Jude’s with a range of other valuable tools and resources, including machine learning algorithms, a feature that helped St. Jude’s scientists identify patterns and trends in the data that would have been difficult to detect manually. This, in turn, allowed researchers to make more informed decisions and accelerate their research.

The Outcome: Building on The Foundation in The Fight Against Cancer

Overall, the partnership between St. Jude’s and Uncountable has been a tremendous success. By leveraging the power of advanced data analytics and collaboration tools, St. Jude’s researchers are making significant progress in the fight against cancer and bringing hope to countless families worldwide. 

Download The Full St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Case Study

Additional insights in the full case study: 
  • More insight into St. Jude’s research initiatives
  • How St. Jude utilizes Uncountable’s well-plating interface
  • What platform features helped save scientists valuable time 
  • How St. Jude translated complex research data into real-world patient treatment
  • A view of Uncountable’s platform and the variety of advanced visualizations 
  • Quotes about Uncountable from St. Jude Researchers and scientists
  • Performance and success metrics before and after implementing Uncountable
  • And much more!

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