See how Uncountable speeds up your R&D workflows.

Uncountable is an AI-powered platform for lab and experiment management. Our customers enjoy unlimited project capacity, dozens of unique visualizations, and unique predictive capabilities on a platform that makes it easy to leave spreadsheets behind forever.

  • Manage all of your laboratory and materials information in a single, shareable workbook.
  • Access a searchable repository of every project and experiment, with detailed formulation data and customizable parameters.
  • Use advanced visualizations to see outputs, correlations, and predictive insights that lead to faster product innovation.
  • View all of your inventory, regulatory and pricing information, and data from integrated apps and systems instantly.

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“I think of what we do as a team as solving a Rubik’s Cube, and I view the capability of Uncountable’s software as a way to speed up the solving of this puzzle. We now design experiments using fundamentals of polymer science, but we’re assisted through the optimization phase using Uncountable.”

Jason Rolland

SVP Materials