
3D Systems Selects Uncountable to Support Innovation Workflow

3D Systems selected Uncountable to transform its lab work from a manual process to a streamlined, digital format.

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San Francisco, CA – Uncountable, a pioneer in digitizing and centralizing laboratory work, proudly announces 3D Systems, the leading additive manufacturing solutions partner, has selected Uncountable to support its materials innovation efforts.

3D Systems selected Uncountable to transform its lab work from a manual process to a streamlined, digital format. The decision to select Uncountable was driven by the capabilities of Uncountable’s robust platform to address 3D Systems’ requirements for data management, searching, documentation, and visualization. Dr. Phillip Nagel, the Director of Print Process at 3D Systems remarked, “We are happy to be working with Uncountable. Their combination of comprehensive software features and customer support made this the right decision for 3D Systems.” 

Both parties look forward to a productive relationship anchored in innovation, efficiency, and mutual growth.

Uncountable addresses several key requirements including:

  • Flexible Data Collection Tool: Offering essential features for formulators and print process engineers to capture data efficiently.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Facilitates the transition from Excel, making data management more accessible and efficient.
  • Inter-Team Experiment Linking: Allows for seamless collaboration between formulation and print process teams.
  • Connected Visualizations: Enables quick and comprehensive plotting across all system data.
  • System Integration: Seamlessly integrates with 3D Systems’ internal systems.
  • Best-in-Class Support: Uncountable's support team is renowned for understanding and addressing customer-specific needs rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach. 

About Uncountable

Uncountable’s industry-leading unified laboratory informatics platform helps the world's largest R&D organizations accelerate the pace of innovation.

Uncountable's all-in-one solution helps enterprise R&D organizations modernize and streamline data management and analysis – providing scientists, chemists, and researchers with a single and easily accessible web-based platform that comes fully integrated with all the critical data systems and tools used in the laboratory, including electronic lab notebooks (ELNs), laboratory information management systems (LIMS), advanced visualization and reporting tools, and more.

To Learn More

For more details on 3D Systems and Uncountable’s partnership or any inquiries, please contact

Dec 20, 2023

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San Francisco, CA – Uncountable, a pioneer in digitizing and centralizing laboratory work, proudly announces 3D Systems, the leading additive manufacturing solutions partner, has selected Uncountable to support its materials innovation efforts.

3D Systems selected Uncountable to transform its lab work from a manual process to a streamlined, digital format. The decision to select Uncountable was driven by the capabilities of Uncountable’s robust platform to address 3D Systems’ requirements for data management, searching, documentation, and visualization. Dr. Phillip Nagel, the Director of Print Process at 3D Systems remarked, “We are happy to be working with Uncountable. Their combination of comprehensive software features and customer support made this the right decision for 3D Systems.” 

Both parties look forward to a productive relationship anchored in innovation, efficiency, and mutual growth.

Uncountable addresses several key requirements including:

  • Flexible Data Collection Tool: Offering essential features for formulators and print process engineers to capture data efficiently.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Facilitates the transition from Excel, making data management more accessible and efficient.
  • Inter-Team Experiment Linking: Allows for seamless collaboration between formulation and print process teams.
  • Connected Visualizations: Enables quick and comprehensive plotting across all system data.
  • System Integration: Seamlessly integrates with 3D Systems’ internal systems.
  • Best-in-Class Support: Uncountable's support team is renowned for understanding and addressing customer-specific needs rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach. 

About Uncountable

Uncountable’s industry-leading unified laboratory informatics platform helps the world's largest R&D organizations accelerate the pace of innovation.

Uncountable's all-in-one solution helps enterprise R&D organizations modernize and streamline data management and analysis – providing scientists, chemists, and researchers with a single and easily accessible web-based platform that comes fully integrated with all the critical data systems and tools used in the laboratory, including electronic lab notebooks (ELNs), laboratory information management systems (LIMS), advanced visualization and reporting tools, and more.

To Learn More

For more details on 3D Systems and Uncountable’s partnership or any inquiries, please contact

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