
Uncountable Releases LIMS Guide

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How to choose a lab information system in 2020

At Uncountable, our goal is to help chemical and materials companies become more innovative through the use of software. We believe that with use of modern software these companies R&D organizations can move an order of magnitude faster than they have in the past.

However, the explosion of software over the past decade has meant that there the latest advances in any field are often hard to keep up with. This guide aims to solve that problem, specifically for LIMS software used by nearly all companies in the chemical industry. Over the course of the guide, we’ll give you advice on:

  • What a LIMS is and why it matters
  • Questions you should be asking your potential LIMS vendors
  • How Artificial Intelligence fits into modern LIMS software
  • Keys to a successful implementation of a LIMS

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Jul 22, 2020

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Learn How to Choose a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

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How to choose a lab information system in 2020

At Uncountable, our goal is to help chemical and materials companies become more innovative through the use of software. We believe that with use of modern software these companies R&D organizations can move an order of magnitude faster than they have in the past.

However, the explosion of software over the past decade has meant that there the latest advances in any field are often hard to keep up with. This guide aims to solve that problem, specifically for LIMS software used by nearly all companies in the chemical industry. Over the course of the guide, we’ll give you advice on:

  • What a LIMS is and why it matters
  • Questions you should be asking your potential LIMS vendors
  • How Artificial Intelligence fits into modern LIMS software
  • Keys to a successful implementation of a LIMS

Click here to get your guide today!

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